
5 Traditional Beer Recipes

Ancient Sumerian Beer Ingredients: Equipment: Instructions: Medieval Gruit Ale Ingredients: Equipment: Instructions: Colonial American Spruce Beer Ingredients: Equipment: Instructions: Traditional Belgian Lambic Ingredients: Equipment: Instructions: 19th Century British Porter Ingredients: Equipment: Instructions: Ingredients: Equipment: Instructions: By following these recipes and instructions, you can recreate historic beer styles from various time periods and regions using traditional […]

Recipe: Homesteader’s Guide to Rustic Farmhouse Ale

Continuing with the theme of self-sufficient brewing, this guide will provide instructions for crafting a rustic farmhouse ale using alternative ingredients and techniques. We will focus on the malting process and demonstrate how you can malt grains like barley, corn, or other options in your garage. Our brewing process will use the same 5-gallon pot […]

The Home Brewer’s Guide to Malting Grains

The Home Brewer’s Guide to Malting Grains Introduction: Malting grains at home can be a rewarding and cost-effective way to enhance your homebrewing experience. This in-depth guide will provide step-by-step instructions for malting your own grains, such as barley, wheat, or corn, at home. Malting your grains allows you to have more control over the […]

Commonly Found Items for Fermentation in the Midwest

Items That Need to be Malted: Items That Do Not Need to be Malted: Using locally available ingredients can lead to a creative and unique brewing experience, allowing you to experiment with different flavors and styles. Incorporating these items into your homebrewing process can result in a truly one-of-a-kind beer that reflects the character and […]

Brewer’s Guide to Collecting and Propagating Wild Yeast for Brewing

Introduction: As a brewer without access to advanced scientific equipment, you may find yourself seeking alternative methods to cultivate yeast for your brews. Wild yeast can be found all around us, from the air to the surfaces of fruits and plants. In this guide, we’ll explore the process of collecting and propagating wild yeast for […]

A Journey Through the Ages: The Art and History of Beer Brewing

Beer, a beloved beverage enjoyed by many, has an extensive and rich history. As one of the oldest drinks produced by humans, it has evolved over millennia, influenced by culture, tradition, and technological advancements. This book aims to delve into the history of beer brewing, exploring the fascinating stories and developments that have shaped the […]

Bushcraft Brewing: A Journey into the Wild Art of Brewing and Fermentation

Bushcraft Brewing is a unique and captivating blog that delves into the fascinating world of off-grid, nature-inspired brewing practices. With a focus on self-sufficiency, sustainability, and harnessing the power of wild ingredients, this blog will guide you through a journey of discovery, experimentation, and creativity in the realm of brewing and fermentation. The blog features […]